The Zulu tribe is an ethnic tribe native to Southern Africa.
With a population of approximately 11 million, one of the South African tribes, the Zulu tribe, is believed to have emigrated from the great Central African Lakes area in about the 15th century and have lived since then in what is today known as KwaZulu-Natal. Associated groups of the Zulu tribe are the Matabele of southern Zimbabwe and the Angoni of Malawi.
They were not of great importance until about the 18th century when the power and warlike abilities, first of Dingiswayo and later of Chaka (Shaka), caused a reign of terror to be unleashed throughout Southern Africa. Chaka was eventually murdered by his brother Dingaan who unsuccessfully attempted to stop the entry of the Voortrekkers into his country. As a result, the Zulus withdrew north of the Tugela River which then became the accepted boundary between them and the white population, although a large number of Zulus settled in Natal proper.
After that, a comparative peace set in under the reign of Panda, however in 1872, Cetshwayo became King of the Zulus, and it was then that disputes reached a crisis. He was defeated in the Zulu war, deposed, and was eventually re-instated with limited power until 1879.
Soon Zululand became embroiled in a period of turmoil and inter-tribal wars. British Authority was established, and finally, in 1897, Zululand became part of Natal. Among the African people, the Zulu’s are regarded as the Aristocracy, with high moral standards and natural dignity.
Today, the Zulu people of KwaZulu-Natal live in both rural and urban areas. Many of them have moved to the industrialized areas in Gauteng to gain greater prosperity. Zulu is the most widely used home language in modern South Africa and one of the most prominent official languages of the county.
Some people purposely book bargain holidays to visit South Africa and learn about the tribes. Not only is it a cultural but an educational experience, great for families with young children or travellers wanting a new adventure.

I would like to know how many trbes are there in South Africa and what are they?
As far as I know there are 9 tribes: Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, Western Sotho, The Northern Sotho (Bapedi), The Southern Sotho (Basotho), Swazi, Venda and Shangaan-Tsonga.
If anybody has more information on this please feel free to add your comments.
I bought Tsonga sandals that were beautiful a few years back. They were purple and had a carved design and covered toe. I have never found anything else by that name. Is there a tribe still producing sandals? how could I get in touch with them?
Thank-you for your help.
There is a forum on this site. Maybe if you post there somebody will know where to find the sandals that you are looking for. There are not many members yet, but it will grow.
I’m a proudly South African lady wearing Tsonga shoes. They are really fantastic quality and unique in their styling. They are readily available in SA in various shops like Cape Union Mart, Trappers trading and Outdoor shops.
In the international market you may find them on ebay or other online shops.
i need help to find out about shaka in zulu cluture
You can find some information on Shaka here: