The most southerly point of Africa is Cape Agulhas named by the Portuguese explorers and meaning Needle Cape. Situated in the Overberg Region of the Western Cape Province, it is the official meeting point of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. It is widely believed that Cape Point is both the most southerly tip of Africa and the place where the two oceans meet and thousands of visitors each year visit Cape Point to see this phenomenon. However, the actual spot is 100 km East at Cape Agulhas which is located in the Cape Agulhas National Park.
Cape Agulhas has always been known as the Cape of Storms due to the particularly dangerous winter storms that occur with enormous waves that can reach up as high as 30 meters, resulting in that part of the coast being littered with wrecks of ships from times gone by. The wreck of the Meisho Maru can be seen emerging from the water at low tide.
Officially Cape Agulhas is the point where the warm Agulhas current of the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean cold Benguala current meet. It is also known as having the best fishing grounds in South Africa because the coastal waters called the Agulhas Bank are fairly shallow, only steeply dropping down in depth about 250 km out to sea.
In 1848 a very large lighthouse was built and helped to guide many ships to safety. It is the second oldest Lighthouse in South Africa and is still operational with its powerful lights that can be seen for a distance of about 60 km. It is painted in red and white stripes and visitors to the windmill will find the attached museum interesting. There is also a small restaurant available.
Other places of interest in the area are the fishing village of Struisbaai with its picturesque white washed fishermen’s houses, the Cape Agulhas Wine route around the little village of Elim and the De Hoop Nature Reserve, which is a favorite destination for bird watchers as well as whale watchers and is enjoyed by hikers and cyclists throughout the year.